Lisa & cameron were super ready to get married

During quarantine they actually got officially wed, due to the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic. So they were more than ready to celebrate with their friends and family.

So Ryan and I set off to beautiful Arkansas to their family lake house to make this thing happen! My boyfriend was actually going to be the one officiating!

With a handful of close friends and family at their side, they ate and visited. The whole vibe was so laid back and so happy

Lisa made the bouquet herself!!

There was so much laughter when she was getting all ready!

This family was so involved, i loved it.

Her mother made her jewelry; check that gorgeous necklace that goes down the brides back. Its literally so perfect.

I loved this image; she was just touching up her makeup before the first look and immediately just started laughing.

THis first look tho.

Ok but i nearly cried during the ceremony.

they wrote their own vows, and family members recorded everything for everyone who couldn't be there.

it was getting dark quicker than normal

so we sped off as quickly as we could without rolling down a hill, to the beach area.

It was windy so the breeze was a welcome respite to the August heat, and the waves lapped at their feet as we walked. It was quiet, save for the cicadas making their presence known in the trees around us.

I am going to let the rest of the night speak in photos; all I can say last is how much fun we had and how much joy it brought us to be able to celebrate Cam and Lisa on such a special day. They are just the sweetest couple and deserve all the happiness in the world. Love you guys!!!